Ghana Women’s Premier League schedule for 2024–2025 announced

Ghana Women’s Premier League schedule for 2024–2025 announced

The schedule for the Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League (2024–25) has been made public by the Ghana Football Association (WPL).

On Friday, October 18, 2024, the women’s top flight league will start in both the Northern and Southern zones.

FC Savannah and Fosu Royal Ladies will square off against Sung Shinning Ladies and Northern Ladies, respectively. On MatchDay 1 of the Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League, Prisons Ladies and Ampem Darkoa Ladies will face off.

Dreamz Ladies will go to Tamale Super Ladies, while Kumasi Sports Academy will host Supreme Ladies in their debut encounter in the Northern Zone.

In the meanwhile, on MatchDay 1, Ladystrikers FC will host Police Ladies, Hasaacas Ladies will host Berry Ladies, Soccer Intellectuals will go to Army Ladies, Epiphany Warriors will play Faith Ladies, and Jonina Ladies will host Halifax Queens. All of these matches take place in the Southern Zone.

The season’s first round will take place on the weekends of October 18–21, 2024, and January 24-27, 2025. The second round will take place on the weekends of January 31–February 3, 2025, and April 11–14, 2025.

Prior to the December 7, 2024, National Elections, the Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League will also take a break to allow players and officials to traverse the nation as part of their civic obligations.

Additional downtime during the season consists of the Christmas and New Year holidays as well as the dates of the Women’s FA Cup matches in 2024–2025.

The weekend of May 2–5, 2025, is also scheduled as the grand finals between the victors of the Northern and Southern Zones. The league’s early May finish will be very helpful to the champion when they compete in the WAFU B Champions League qualifying.

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English – Plagiarism CheckerEspañol – Detector de plagioPortuguês – Detector de plagioрусский – АнтиплагиатDeutsche – Plagiatsprüfung kostenlositaliano – AntiplagioIndonesia – Cek plagiarismeالعربية – مدقق الانتحالTurkish – Intihal programıDutch – Plagiaat checkerTiếng Việt – Kiểm tra đạo vănFrench – Logiciel anti plagiatSvenska – PlagiatkontrollKorean – 표절검사 도구日本語 – 剽窃チェッカーDanish – Plagiat tjekRomanian – Plagiat detectorNorwegian – Plagiatkontroll

Plagiarism Checker

To be specific, Plagiarism checking or content’s similarity detection is a process of identifying the occurrence of plagiarism or copyright infringement within a work of content for writer, teacher, student blogger, webmaster, or any document.

What we offer!

 Multiple File Formats

Use multiple ways of uploading text.
Simple copy pasting in the text area.
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Supports 7 formats of document.
No limitation of document formats.
.tex, .txt, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, and .rtf

 Results in Percentage

Provides absolute comfort to users.
Unique content ratio in percentage.
Clarifies plagiarized resources in numbers.
Most accurate plagiarism checker ratio.
Click “Make it Unique” to remove plagiarism.
Best matching detection.

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Plagiarism checker with 100% privacy.
Doesn’t save any uploaded material.
Trashes content after checking plagiarism.
No risks of data leakage.
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Reveals the best results.

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Tool is Developed using AI technology.
Not only picks the exactly matched content.
Detects minor trace of plagiarism.
Paraphrased content can also be identified.
Best plagiarism checker to catch the duplication.
Compares the content with millions of sources.

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Detects plagiarism in various languages.
Operational in up to 7 different languages.
Supports Spanish, Russian, Portuguese,
Dutch, Indonesian, Italian, and Arabic.
Checks plagiarism, webpages, research papers etc.

 Writing Enhancements

Embedded with other writing enhancements.
Remove the duplicate article.
Removes plagiarism instantly.
Highlights grammar errors.
Produces quality content that is ready to publish.
Traces plagiarism from every possible source.

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Despite having the deep-scanning technology.
Doesn’t cause a delay in report generation.
Download plagiarism report seconds.
Fully reliable plagiarism detection software.
To remove plagiarism takes immediate action.

 Highlights Duplication

Generates easy to understand results
No struggle to dig up the conclusion
Uses colour coding scheme
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Duplicate sentences are marked in pink
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Joey Cipriano

How does the Plagiarism Checker work?

Steps to check plagiarism with

The easiest process with a user-friendly interface.

Most accurate with percentage and 100% free and compatible, it can be used on any of your devices as ever needed.

The following steps are:

  • Paste your text into the text box.Or,Upload your Doc or Text file using the Choose File button. (.tex, .txt, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, and .rtf)
  • Click on the “Check Plagiarism” button
  • As your request is sent (button clicked) for processing, the results will be displayed in a matter of seconds.In case, there are duplicate matches (content) found, the tool will show results in percentage meaningPercentage % of Unique contentandPercentage % of PlagiarizedThe relevant text with similarity score along with the source it originates from.(A tip “In the case of plagiarism detected there is a great option (button) to make it unique with the best Paraphrase tool.”)
  • In case no matches are found, a message will display “100% Unique”So, if you ever need to do a quick plagiarism check or are looking for free plagiarism software online, is the place for it!Besides, we would love to get suggestions and recommendations from our valuable users. As we believe in Super User experience, simply suggest us.

Plagiarism checker API

We have the solution! 💯

If you want to embed a real-time plagiarism detection system on your website. Duplichecker’s plagiarism API is the best solution for you.

Benefits of the Plagiarism API:

Here are some key benefits of our Plagiarism API

  • Time-SavingCheck multiple documents with one click, eliminating manual checks.
  • Easy IntegrationSimple API setup for seamless integration into your website.
  • High Accuracy:Reliable detection of plagiarism across various types of content.
  • Cost-EffectiveReduces the need for extensive manual labor, saving costs.
  • ScalablePerfect for small educational institutions and large websites with frequent content submissions.
  • User-FriendlyDesigned to be intuitive and easy to use for everyone

Definition of Plagiarism

But before checking for plagiarism everyone should know, What Is Plagiarism?

“The act of pretension where you take one’s words and make them your own it can include ideas, thoughts, or any material that you can see/hear and make a copy of.”

If we talk in a legalistic manner then taking someone’s copyright and claiming it to be yours is unintentional plagiarism.


The concept of thinking that, self-plagiarism is only copying some other’s paintings or borrowing someone else’s unique idea. In my thoughts like “copying” and “borrowing” can cover the seriousness of the offense.

According to the Oxford Dictionary Plagiarism is:

“The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own”

In precise words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s artwork and lying approximately it in a while.

Necessity of AI Plagiarism Checker Over Time

DupliChecker’s AI plagiarism checker utilizes artificial intelligence to enhance the precision of detecting plagiarism by analyzing various text elements, such as syntax, writing pattern, tone, and rhythm of words. This inclusion of AI simplifies to check AI plagiarism across different domains.

How Does AI Plagiarism Checker Differs from Traditional Methods?

The working of an AI plagiarism checker differs from traditional methods as it organizes your data and analyzes it with advanced machine learning and Natural Language Processing techniques. Later, this AI plagiarism detector compares the comprehended information with millions of web pages’ data available in its databases to find similarities. Lastly, it displays AI plagiarism detected in your content while letting you know its exact percentage. This entire method differs from traditional plagiarism detection methods that use string-matching techniques and provide an approximate estimation of plagiarism that needs to be more accurate.

Plagiarism detector VS Manual checking [Pros and Cons]

It’s boring, time taking and the big thing is the MANUAL! Ah

Who wouldn’t want to skip doing something that technology can do for you with more accuracy and quickly? Right!!!

We know We would! As it can help in many ways, one of which is finding a copy of original content over the internet and informing about it while you are sipping your coffee in dim light, “Sounds Cool”. Or you can go ahead and crosscheck to look for the plagiarized work manually which not only is going to take a lot of time. You need an excellent memory because while reading so many documents you might keep on forgetting the duplication and sources.

Isn’t it enough reason why a plagiarism scanner is used?

Because it is accurate and able to find the copied content real fast to improve academic honesty and whatsoever that does not allow plagiarism. This usually happens in almost every student, professional writer, professor, or content creator’s life that uses the internet to study, teach or deliver their work.

So, they have to be very careful in uploading a part of their work online; the best way is the use of image formation. If someone copies from the image we have developed a tool to find similar image. It will recognize objects on the image and let you know where this object or image is located. In which no one can copy any sort of work, but they will have to write down which people mostly don’t like to do.

Plagiarism in the digital world.

The most common problem in plagiarized content has to face is expulsion from the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), and websites that are aiming for a better rank can’t afford that.

Therefore this plagiarism checker will inform you after detection of all the areas of the internet where it finds similarity or duplication in the content.

In the world of the internet, it is not considered a crime, but it just shows deceitfulness in that person’s character. The question is why does it matter? Well, in academics, it can put people into serious trouble, if caught plagiarizing, they will not only face punishments but lose the time a beginner can utilize to learn.

In this cyberspace, there can be many mistakes that can trigger duplication in content. One of the most significant ones is failing to put a quotation mark, even if you had no intention of taking someone’s words but forgetting unintentionally to give credits or quoting the name, there is a possibility that it can put the content or you to serious complications.

Why Introducing Plagiarism checker by

Whether it is an academic assignment or an article for a website, as a writer you must be familiar with the importance of written work. There are times in life when people copy your work and pretend to be the rightful owner of that content, how bad can it be? It is another discussion.

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There is a specific term used for such a type of ill practice known as plagiarism. It is not about only the copy of the written content or academic paper, but people even copy photos, music, and videos and show others as their work without giving even a little piece of credit to the person who is the real holder of all that work. Thoughts and ideas of someone are their property and thus belong to them and can be protected by copyright laws.

We know how it feels when somebody takes away a part of your work. Of course, whatever you write is your thoughts; therefore, we developed a plagiarism detection tool.

Plagiarism detector looks for any copied content over the internet if found then online plagiarism checker free will inform you about where it is located and how much of your content is present word by word on that website.

Paper Checker (Essay checker)

How accurate is this free plagiarism checker for students?

Take our word: This copyright checker offers you the most authentic possible results.

It took us months of research and trials to come up with a final product – a duplicate content checker that you delightfully use to check your essay, articles, Quotations, and research paper today. Our sophisticated, one-of-a-kind anti-plagiarism tool has been designed as an exclusive free plagiarism checker for students to provide you with the results even for Academic writing that are authentic and easy to interpret with minimum probability of errors.

We drive satisfaction from the fact that our tool is being used by hundreds and thousands every day and users are happy with the results to improve academic integrity and unique web content. Nonetheless, if you come across any bug or error, please bring it to our attention so we can fix it soon.


What is the most accurate plagiarism checker free?

According to our millions of satisfied users, absolutely is free and the most accurate plagiarism checking the website.How do I check for plagiarism?

There is a procedure as mentioned above, How does the Plagiarism Checker work?

It detects plagiarism by checking more than billions of websites, pages, and papers.Can I check or is there a plagiarism check for free?

Absolutely free with duplichecker.comHow can I check if a document or PDF is plagiarized?

Simply upload the file as instructed in this section.

How can I check a website for plagiarism?

Duplichecker allows you to check the plagiarism of any website by just pasting the URL in this section.

Can AI Plagiarism Checker Detect Paraphrased Content?

Yes! The AI plagiarism checker is capable of detecting paraphrased content. Its advanced mechanism identifies and highlights phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that have been paraphrased from another source over the web.Is the AI Plagiarism Checker Compatible with Various Document Formats?

Yes! The AI plagiarism checker is compatible with a wide range of document formats. Whether you have a document in .pdf, .txt, .doc, or .docx format, you can easily check AI plagiarism and determine the correct proportion of duplication.


As a webmaster that cares about the success of your online business, you ought to deploy the best tools online to optimize your content, improve your search appearance, and ultimately grow your business. DupliChecker is an inventory of truly helpful web tools for managing your content marketing and search engine optimization activities for fast growth.

Our tools can help you grow any kind of online business, whether it is a hobby blog, a business website, or an eCommerce store where you sell your products and services. DupliChecker can also help you learn why your competitors are ranking high on search engine results pages (SERPs) and what you need to do to outrank them.

Our tools are so reliable that we call it “DupliChecker” which means every time you run your website or content on it, our sophisticated engines double-checks for accuracy before delivering incredibly helpful results. And it does this in a matter of seconds.


DupliChecker is an online service that provides dozens of free, high-grade SEO and content tools. The tools and the DupliChecker platform are being managed by a small team of enthusiastic digital professionals with a knack for helping online entrepreneurs take their search and content marketing games to the next level. Our team consists of experts in search engine optimization, content marketing, digital product development, user interface design, user experience optimization, web research, and social media marketing.


We build tools — premium-quality SEO and text analysis tools. But we don’t just build tools for the sake of it; we are a team on a mission to make the best SEO and content marketing tools accessible to people all over the world for absolutely free. We’ve created over 100 remarkable tools so far. Some are as follow:


Our digital tools are always readily available for use by anyone. We’ve made it so simple and easy that you don’t even need to register on our website to start using them. All you really have to do is provide the required information necessary to process your request, like providing the URL of a web page you want to analyze. Each tool page contains information on how to use the tool.


What is our target with DupliChecker? Why do we create premium tools and make it available for free? The key thing that pushed us to start is this: we found out that the web was full of talented people who needed quality tools to grow their online businesses. What is the problem? Mostly, the only tools that were available were ones that required users to pay top dollars. So we decided to create a platform for accessing great SEO tools for free. So typically, our “why” is that we are driven to make “pay-worthy” tools available to users for completely free? And we are passionate about it!


DupliChecker is for everyone. Whether you are a website administrator, blogger, freelance writer, SEO professional, a marketing manager, etc., DupliChecker has So many things to offer you.

Here are some of the things you can do with DupliChecker tools:

Text Analysis Tools

Whether you want to check the word count of your content or analyze it for plagiarism. Whether you want to spell or grammar check, DupliChecker has all the content analysis tools you will ever need to make your texts stand out and avoid duplicate content.

Stop wasting time with manual article rewriting and editing. Our sophisticated paraphrase tool lets you recreate any piece of content to a super high quality in just minutes by spinning the tool.

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Search and Optimize Images

As an all-around SEO and content tool, DupliChecker lets you perform a reverse image search, resize any image, and convert images from one file format to another.

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Perform a balanced SEO audit on any website with our SEO checker tool. Use our advanced SEO metrics to make educated decisions about the next best step to take for the best search performance.And Much More!

We run over 100 SEO tools and content engines which you can use to perform numerous activities to grow your search traffic, business, and revenue for free!

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